A Message for All Seasons

Read 1 Timothy 1:12-17

Primary Text:

“This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,
of whom I am chief.” 
[1 Timothy 1:15 NKJV]


At Christmas time, there are many words, greetings, and messages shared. But, there is no message that matches the message of Christmas itself, a message found in these words of Scripture. The Apostle Paul is giving thanks for God’s grace towards him in Christ and for the...

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Sermon Outline: Matthew 16:13-20 — Christianity and Your Church


Here is Dr. Stephen Olford's sermon outline, featuring Matthew 16:13-20, as mentioned in this week's Wednesday eBroadcast.

NOTE: Subscribers to this website's free Stephen Olford Collection may also download this sermon outline (and the previously shared sermon outlines) in PDF format.


If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways that you are using or...

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Going on Mission with God

TEXT Acts 8:26-40 ESV about Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch



The phrase “Going on Mission with God” seemed to stick to this passage of Scripture that you just read. And it is the title of this message.

You see, God is on a mission in this world, and He gives us the opportunity to be involved specifically as a church and as individuals. In the account in Acts 8 that we have just read, this man, Philip, answered the call of God to a special...

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Sermon Outline: Romans 10:11-21 — Christianity and Your Faith


Here is Dr. Stephen Olford's sermon outline, featuring Romans 10:11-21, as mentioned in this week's Wednesday eBroadcast.

NOTE: Subscribers to this website's free Stephen Olford Collection may also download this sermon outline (and the previously shared sermon outlines) in PDF format.


If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways that you are using or...

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Some Thoughts on Expository Preaching

Recently I was asked to answer a few questions related to expository preaching. I have edited the questions and answers to send this to you. My answers are not comprehensive, but they represent my attempt to give a brief answer on important questions.


1. What is ‘our’ approach to expository preaching?

First of all, I do not consider our approach to biblical expository preaching to be unique. My definition of expository preaching is in keeping with my father's definition of...

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Sermon Outline: James 4:13-17 — Christianity and Your Life


Here is Dr. Stephen Olford's sermon outline, featuring James 4:13-17, as mentioned in this week's Wednesday eBroadcast.

NOTE: Subscribers to this website's free Stephen Olford Collection may also download this sermon outline (and the previously shared sermon outlines) in PDF format.


If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways that you are using or following...

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Sermon Outline: Colossians 1:21-29 — Christianity and You


Here is Dr. Stephen Olford's sermon outline, featuring Colossians 1:21-29, as mentioned in this week's Wednesday eBroadcast.


NOTE: Subscribers to this website's free Stephen Olford Collection may also download this sermon outline (and the previously shared sermon outlines) in PDF format.


If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways that you are using or...

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Sermon Outline: Philippians 3:12-17 — The New Start


Here is Dr. Stephen Olford's sermon outline, featuring Philippians 3:12-17, as mentioned in this week's Wednesday eBroadcast.

NOTE: Subscribers to this website's free Stephen Olford Collection may also download this sermon outline (and the previously shared sermon outlines) in PDF format.


If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways that you are using or...

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There is Mercy with the Lord


“O Israel, hope in the Lord;

for with the Lord there is mercy,

and with Him is abundant redemption.”

(Psalm 130:7 NKJV)



This Psalm moves from being intensely personal (1-6) to being a call for all of God’s people to hope in the Lord (7-8).

I am viewing this Psalm through the lens of the phrase “there is mercy with the Lord.”

There is mercy with the Lord, and I want us all to know that we can experience the Lord’s mercy. Indeed,...

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Sermon Outline: Psalm 17 — The Prayer of the Righteous


Here is Dr. Stephen Olford's sermon outline, featuring Psalm 17, as mentioned in this week's Wednesday eBroadcast.


NOTE: Subscribers to this website's free Stephen Olford Collection may also download this sermon outline (and the previously shared sermon outlines) in PDF format.


If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways that you are using or following...

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