If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways that...
TEXT: “Beloved, ….. contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude v. 3 NKJV).
Terrorism has taken center stage for many years now. Prevention of terrorist activities and protection from terrorist attacks are priority national concerns every day. Jude wrote his little Epistle to confront “spiritual terrorists” or "errorists" in his day. Spiritual terrorists can operate “unnoticed” and can...
If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways that...
Context: Romans 11:32 – 36, 12: 1 – 2
The authentic response to God’s mercy in Christ is:
Text: Romans 12:3-8 Grace Through You
The Apostle Paul now moves to writing about the outworking of “grace” in the lives of Christians and the Christian community. But for “grace” to show itself through our lives:
If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways...
Richard Foster begins his book, Celebration of Discipline, with these challenging and penetrating words:
“Superficiality is the curse of our age. The doctrine of instant satisfaction is a primary spiritual problem. The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people or gifted people, but for deep people (Page 1, Harper & Row, Publishers; San Francisco, 1978).”
It seems that nowadays, we can be pulled in so many directions with responsibilities,...
If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of...
These were our participants at the Expository Preaching and Spiritual Growth Institute held at Prospect Baptist Church in North Carolina.
If an outline is to be used in full, then it would be appropriate and honest to “give credit” and to say in the simplest of ways that you...
The Mission of Jesus Christ is the context for communicating Biblical truth today.
There are different aspects or phases of ministry that are well illustrated in the Book of Acts. I am not thinking of geographical phases of ministry but practical spiritual phases of ministry. One illustration of these phases is found in Paul’s first missionary journey (Acts 13-14). These phases or “specifics” of ministry and mission can be viewed as functional contexts for communicating the...
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