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Dr. Stephen Olford Online Legacy Collection

Dr. Stephen Olford (1918-2004) preached for over sixty years in a tremendous variety of contexts and in many different countries.

Besides his evangelistic and pastoral ministries, he often spoke at conferences and conventions for the deepening of spiritual life.

You will receive free access to our growing collection of audio and video sermons by Dr. Stephen Olford. In addition, you will have access to a series of sermon outlines prepared by Dr. Stephen Olford.

"The Victorious Christian Living Preaching Series" is a six-part video compilation of messages that come out of his conference and convention ministry. Each individual message is distinct, but there is a sequence of truths covered in the series.

The goal of the series is to help believers in Christ to deal with issues that would hinder spiritual growth and to encourage true surrender to Christ, life in the Spirit, and commitment to the service and mission of Christ.

This online "legacy" library of audio, video, and downloadable documents is a legacy repository of Dr. Stephen Olford's sermons.


You will also receive free access to:

  • An online collection of over 800 audio sermons of Dr. Stephen Olford.
  • Our Wednesday Sermon reflection series by Dr. David Olford.
  • Hundreds of Dr. Stephen Olford's sermon outlines that you can download, and, a sermon outline sent to you each week to prime your own sermon creation.
