The Foundations of Christian Character: Part Three


This is Part Three — "The Character of Leadership is Foundational"

I'm anticipating that many watching this are involved in ministry, and many watching this are in leadership.

The character of a leader is foundational, and the character of leadership is foundational. There is a great emphasis put on the character of leaders and leadership in the Scriptures. This makes perfect sense, since leaders impact those who are under their care, under their protection, and under their...

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The Foundations of Christian Character: Part Two


This is Part Two — "God's Purpose is Foundational"

The second main point that I want to share with you is that God's purpose for our character is foundational. God's purpose is foundational, but specifically, God's purpose for our character is foundational.

We need to be people who display the very character of Christ, the character of God, by His grace, and by His doing, which is what I'm going to be emphasizing.

Right now, the second step in our study is to remember that God made...

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The Foundations of Christian Character: Part One


This is Part One — "God's Character is Foundational"

Our subject today is the Foundations of Christian Character.

Now I must begin by explaining how I'm going to proceed to address this subject. Because it means different things to different people, the foundations of Christian character, first of all, about this word character, which can mean various things.

What we are addressing is the nature of a person, especially a person's moral characteristics, we're not talking about...

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Upcoming Institutes: July - November 2022

institutes in memphis Jun 10, 2022

Join us in person at Stephen Olford Center in Memphis for our Institutes for Biblical Preaching - Olford Ministries International

Opportunities for helpful instruction, meaningful fellowship, and mutual encouragement are available at the Stephen Olford Center during the second half of this year. Consult the dates below.

July 26-28 Evangelistic Institute

September 8-27 Internationals Institute 

September 12-15 Strengthening Institute

October 18-21 Spiritual Growth Institute 

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The Need for Humility

“Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,….’ (1 Peter 5:5b-6 ESV)

Having called for submission to elders on the part of those younger, now the Apostle calls for humility among all the Christians. Humility is to be the clothing that is worn. And this humility is to be...

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Three Truths that Counter Lies about Genuine Fellowship with God


“If we say………we lie and do not practice the truth” (1 John 1:6).
“He who says, …….. is a liar, and the truth is not in him (1 John 2:4).
“If someone says, ……… he is a liar” (1 John 4:20)



In this straightforward Epistle, The Apostle John presents himself as an authoritative eye-witness to the “Word of life.” Being a true witness to the ‘word of life”...

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God's Merciful Invitation

This Thursday in the USA is a national day of prayer. Many will gather across the country to pray.

Given the crises in our world as well as in the USA, this call to prayer (which is an annual event) is needed as much as ever. We know that many people are regularly meeting for times of special prayer these days.

This ‘day” of prayer should not be simply a “one-time” annual event, but a reminder and stimulus for further prayer in these days.

This is a great time to...

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A Personal Commendation

As the Apostle Peter is concluding his powerful Epistle, he writes what could be considered a passing remark. But, passing remarks can be very meaningful, not only in the Scriptures but in everyday life. And rather than seeing these words as a passing remark, I think we need to view them as a significant statement as the Apostle is closing his letter. 

“By Silvanus, a faithful brother as I regard him I have written…”

(1 Peter 5:12)

The Apostle is recognizing...

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Jesus Christ — Always

One of the “great texts” of Scripture that stand like a “strong tower” is found in Hebrews 13:8

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."



We can gain great strength from this text, even as it stands alone. Our Lord Jesus Christ is faithful, He never changes. What an encouragement and comfort in a world that is constantly changing!

At the same time, this precious verse was not written alone, nor...

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There is Mercy with the Lord

As we look at what is happening in our world, we may be compelled to cry out to God for mercy. And we should! God is a God of mercy.

In Psalm 130, a basic personal need for mercy is expressed by the Psalmist.

Although we may be thinking about the present crisis of individuals in Ukraine, it is good to realize that God’s mercy is available to you and me when we are in the depths spiritually and circumstantially.


Waiting on the Lord —  Psalm 130:1-8 (NKJV)


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