There is Mercy with the Lord


“O Israel, hope in the Lord;

for with the Lord there is mercy,

and with Him is abundant redemption.”

(Psalm 130:7 NKJV)



This Psalm moves from being intensely personal (1-6) to being a call for all of God’s people to hope in the Lord (7-8).

I am viewing this Psalm through the lens of the phrase “there is mercy with the Lord.”

There is mercy with the Lord, and I want us all to know that we can experience the Lord’s mercy. Indeed,...

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Taking the Abraham Test: Questions We Need to Answer

Devotional Reflections on a Key Event in the Life of Abraham

Genesis 22:1-19 (Read the whole account)

Genesis 22:1 “…….. God tested Abraham……..”

This passage of Scripture, like a smooth stone thrown into a calm body of water, causes ripples throughout the “waters” of the Scriptures. The account is emotionally gripping. At times it is mentally perplexing. It certainly is personally challenging. And as Scripture, it is spiritually edifying....

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Have We Been With The Lord Today?

Before I share a devotional below, I want to encourage you to take advantage of the weekly resources we are making available through this website, The ‘short’ nugget of truth on our YouTube channel that my late father shares, the audio message on our podcast, and a sermon outline are all featured regularly week by week. I hope that one or all of these resources are a blessing to you, along with the many other messages and materials that are archived on this website.


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The Right Words Matter

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29 ESV)

"Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving." (Ephesians 5;4)

“….. speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,…” (Ephesians 4:15 ESV)


We are living in...

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Amazing Grace

We all stand in need of the Lord. We need His presence in our lives. We need His mercy, we need His salvation, we need His continuous help as we seek to live for Him. The benediction at the end of 2 Corinthians indicates our need and God’s provision (2 Corinthians 13:14). This benediction begins by focusing on grace. We stand in need of grace.


"May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ….be with us all."

Why does the Apostle start here in his benediction at the end of 2...

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Power For A Purpose

TEXT: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you: and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NKJV).

THOUGHT: The risen Christ has been presenting Himself and teaching His disciples for a period of forty days. The “kingdom of God” was a main theme in Jesus’ instruction even as it was before He was crucified.  As the Apostles are assembled with the risen Jesus,...

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Living Faithfully for Christ During Difficult Times

Read this scripture passage: 1 Peter 3:8-18, 22


The original recipients of the Apostle Peter’s letter were facing difficult and dangerous times. The apostle Peter is writing in the 60s AD to Christians scattered in various regions of the ancient world. He speaks of fiery trials and suffering, and it is evident that persecution was taking place or was right at hand. So, Peter writes a pastoral and passionate letter encouraging believers to stand firm in the true grace...

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Faithful to the Lord and to the Task — Reflections on Second Timothy

The servant of the Lord is involved in a sacred ministry. This sacred ministry is to be done in the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, this ministry is a specific ministry that demands our focus and our work.

As we think about the months ahead in 2024, Lord willing, I think it is helpful to remember the Apostle Paul's encouraging and challenging words to his son in the ministry, Timothy.

The second book of Timothy is filled with exhortations and encouragements for this son in the ministry, who...

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Haggai 1:1-15

The Problem of Wrong Priorities Is Resolved by Putting God’s Will First

Read Haggai 1:1-15

“My life will be determined by pressures or priorities.” - Richard G. Lee


All of us face pressures and problems in life. This will be true in 2024 as well. We need to live according to God’s priorities for us rather than “caving in” to pressures, problems, or wrong desires.

We can find ourselves having the wrong priorities for many different reasons. In...

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A Blessed Christmas to You and Yours, Rejoice!

A Blessed Christmas to You and Yours, Rejoice!

In the midst of the darkness of these days, rejoice in the Light that is Christ, our Lord and Savior.

R – Rejoice the Savior has come, lived a perfect life, died an atoning death, was raised powerfully, ascended triumphantly, intercedes continually, and is coming gloriously.

E – Enjoy fellowship with Him and one another as we abide in His Word, His love, and live obediently and prayerfully in union with Him

J – Join with others...

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