Find Us Faithful 3: The Legacy of a Prepared Leadership

Part One: Legacies to Leave 

CHAPTER 3 The Legacy of a Prepared Leadership 

Before we focus on another legacy of Paul’s ministry, read Luke’s simple but powerful narrative of Paul’s departure:

And when he had said these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all. Then they all wept freely, and fell on Paul’s neck and kissed him, sorrowing most of all for the words which he spoke, that they would see his face no more. And they accompanied him to the...

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Find Us Faithful 2: The Legacy of a Preached Word

Part One: Legacies to Leave 

CHAPTER 2 The Legacy of a Preached Word 

A major subject that received attention in Paul’s address was his ministry of the Word. This was a priority in terms of Paul’s mission, goals, and activities while in Ephesus. This certainly should not be a surprise to us, since the apostle Paul identified the ministry he “received from the Lord Jesus” as being “to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24)....

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Find Us Faithful 1: The Legacy of a Personal Example


Part One: Legacies to Leave 

CHAPTER 1 The Legacy of a Personal Example 


There is an urgency about the matter of faithfulness. I am not just saying this to be dramatic or because I am now over fifty. Yes, I do realize that time is limited. More days are probably behind me than in front of me. But this isn’t about my sense of finitude. Nor am I speaking about the condition of things in our world today, even though this is a cause for deep—and I mean...

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Find Us Faithful: Introduction


Few would question the need for faithful leaders and good leadership in our day. This need for good leadership crosses the various spheres of human relationships and activities in our world. And I would submit that the more chaotic our world seems to be and the more complex our world’s problems, the more concerned people are about leadership. This does not negate cynicism, indifference, or frustration—all of which certainly abound as well—but most people who are...

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