International Institute for Biblical Preaching: August 31 - September 24

institutes in memphis Jun 23, 2021
Our International Institute for Biblical Preaching takes place August 31 - September 24, this year.
Limited scholarship funds are available for those who have a passion and platform to train others in faithful Biblical preaching.
The scholarship does not cover travel, and the recipient will need to have an appropriate visa, travel documents, and follow all the covid-19 related protocols to get to GMF's Stephen Olford Center in Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
During these weeks at the Center,we will cover the main aspects of our teaching on expository preaching. Also,much time will be given to interaction and practical training.
Applications can be sent for this intensive training time. This is primarily for those
who are traveling from outside the USA, and are in a position to teach preachers. 
If you are interested, contact us before July 1. If you are in the USA, but are planning to return to your "homeland" for further ministry, this could be a great time to apply since you are already in the USA and you have no or limited visa and protocol issues.
A similar program will be offered February 7 - March 7, 2022. 
Send an email expressing your interest to [email protected] as soon as possible and  before July 1.

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