Chapter Three – The True Grace of God Calls for Priorities as God’s Special People

The Apostle Peter moves forward in his instruction now to call for a lifestyle that is appropriate for God’s hope-directed and hope-filled people.


Holy Obedience

(1 Peter 1:14-16) “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “’You shall be holy, for I am holy.’”

Here, holiness and obedience are brought together as ‘the readers’ are challenged to be obedient children who have the likeness of their Heavenly Father. Practical holiness in essence is obedience to God.  It is not mystical or mechanical, it is relational and practical. This involves a refusal to conform to former practices done at a time when we were ignorant of the things of God. This will be mentioned again in 1 Peter 2:11 (See also Romans 12:1-2).  This type of contrast is often found in the Scriptures and the New Testament especially (ex. Ephesians 4:17-24). Instead of the former life, God’s chosen people who have the right mindset, are to hear and obey the command of a holy God to be holy.


To continue, click this link to read my first draft. 


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Note to my readers:

This is a consultation draft specifically for my subscribers. I am sharing with you chapter excerpts of a book I am preparing on 1 Peter. This third chapter excerpt has not been “finalized,” and some references may be missing. However, the content seeks to be true to the teaching of 1 Peter and to clarify the relevance of this dynamic epistle for today. 

Your comments will be helpful as we finalize this draft of this chapter. 

Tap this link to email me your feedback.

Thank you,

—David Olford



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