Find Us Faithful 4: Having a Reason

Part Two: Responsibilities to Fulfill 

CHAPTER 4 Having a Reason 

Even though my father was a very gifted and brilliant man, he was easy to understand.

I am not talking about his use of language or vocabulary, although he was a master communicator. I’m talking about his life.

He was easy to understand because you knew his motivating reasons and driving passions. You knew he wanted to do God’s will with all his heart. You knew he wanted to live a holy life. You knew he wanted to be like Christ. You knew he wanted to live each day with the Holy Spirit filling his life, ungrieved and unquenched. You knew he wanted to preach the Word. You knew he wanted to encourage and equip others who were preaching the Word.

These goals were behind the decisions he made. These concerns or motivations helped explain not only what he did but also the way he did what he did.

Frankly, it is easy to follow the leadership of someone whose reasons for decisions and actions are clear and consistent. The difficulty comes when you are not sure of a leader’s motivations or rationales. Then decisions and actions can be hard to understand or follow...



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